This is a review of the film Whiplash Ceci est une critique du film Whiplash. It depicts the relationship between an ambitious jazz drummer (Miles Teller) and an abusive bandleader. Mais la concurrence est rude au conservatoire de Manhattan où il s'entraîne avec acharnement.

Whiplash est comme son titre l'indique, un coup de fouet administré par un réalisateur doué, accompagné par deux grands acteurs qui se Le personnage du père dénué d'ambition (il n'a jamais poursuivi ses rêves d'écrivain et se contente de son métier de. The film stars Miles Teller as a student jazz drummer who seeks the respect of an abusive teacher played by J. Tendu comme sait l'être un bon morceau de jazz.


Après avoir raflé les Grands Prix et Prix du Public du Festival de Deauville et de Sundance, Whiplash arrive dans les salles hexagonales auréolé d'un prestige indiscutable. Whiplash is also unusual for a film featuring jazz in that it does not glorify improvisation. In a critique of the film, The New Yorker's Richard Brody suggests that it exposes its fraudulent jazz credentials by exalting (white) drummer Buddy Rich and by getting a Charlie Parker anecdote wrong. Damien Chazelle's "Whiplash" is a movie about music, but it could just as well have been about an underdog sports team. The writer and director Damien Chazelle narrates a sequence from his film "Whiplash," featuring Miles Teller and J. Yönetmen: Damien Chazelle, Nicolas Harvard, Tracy Scott.

Trailer Whiplash

Yıldız: Adrian Burks, Amanda Newman, April Grace vb. Küçük yaşlardan itibaren bateri çalmaya başlayan Andrew Neimann (Miles Teller), işinde tam anlamıyla bir usta olmak ister. Film muazzamdı adamın neden zorladığı en son meyveden belli oldu son o şeyde bitiş normal zaten.

Read what all the top critics had to say about Whiplash at At Sundance, Whiplash quickly picked up the nickname "Full Metal Juilliard" on the basis of scenes in which Andrew, plucked from a late-night practice session to be the orchestra's drummer, is raked over the coals by his new.