It is the first sequel to The Matrix. Фантастика, боевик. Режиссер: Лана Вачовски, Лилли Вачовски. В ролях: Киану Ривз, Лоренс Фишбёрн, Хьюго Уивинг и др. Борцы за свободу Нео, Тринити и Морфеус продолжают руководить восстанием людей против Армии Машин. Starring: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss and others. Les hommes qui ont échappé à la Matrice ont trouvé refuge dans la cité souterraine de Zion.

While seeking the truth about the Matrix, Neo must save Trinity from a dark fate within his dreams. Six months after the events depicted in The Matrix, Neo has proved to be a good omen for the free humans, as more and more humans are being freed from the. Film de Andy WACHOWSKI et Larry WACHOWSKI Keanu REEVES.

Matrix Reloaded

Film de Andy WACHOWSKI et Larry WACHOWSKI Adrian Séries Les super-héros du ArrowVerse s'affichent masqués ! Regie führten die Wachowski-Geschwister, die auch das Drehbuch schrieben. Die Hauptrollen spielten Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne und Carrie-Anne Moss. Contrary to many, I feel The Matrix Reloaded is deeply religious; diverting itself from solely focusing… The film is chock-full of eye popping action sequences some of which involve martial arts sequences that will knock your socks off! The crew must protect Zion, the last outpost still under human control, after it is pinpointed by the machines responsible for the Matrix. N'hésitez pas à proposer vos phrases cultes de ce film.

Trailer Matrix Reloaded

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It cannot be stretched to fill the screen. The ability to stretch or fill or zoom is based upon hardware AND Verified Purchase. A disappointing follow-up to the highly-original seminal film, the Matrix Reloaded is aptly named. Despite upping the ante in the FX department, the novelty of the original is lost.