Vous l'aurez compris dans Lost in translation, le thème central du film est la solitude, comment y remédier lorsque l'on se retrouve seul, dans un pays inconnu, sans repères. Lost in translation - la critique du film. Lost in translation est une œuvre poétique, lumineuse et aérienne.

Starring: Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson, Giovanni Ribisi and others. Bob Harris, star de cinéma sur le déclin, arrive à Tokyo pour tourner une publicité pour une marque de whisky. Middle-aged American movie star Bob Harris is in Tokyo to film a personal endorsement Suntory whiskey ad solely for the Japanese market.

Lost in Translation

Both Bob and Charlotte are feeling lost by their current situations, which are not helped by the cultural barriers they feel in Tokyo, those. Sophia Coppola's "Lost in Translation" is a wonderful romantic comedy that doesn't play by the usual rules of its genre. In this episode, Michael talks to us about how the film works as well as why the film works so well. Synopsis du film Lost in Translation. Bob Harris, star de cinéma sur le déclin, arrive à Tokyo pour tourner une publicité. Charlotte, jeune universitaire diplômée, y accompagne son mari, photographe de mode.

Trailer Lost in Translation

Perdus dans cet univers où tout leur semble étranger, une étrange relation se noue entre le. Lost in Translation: Zwei einsame Seelen treffen sich in Sofia Coppolas zweitem Film an einer Hotelbar in Tokio und entdecken eine außergewöhnliche. Middle-aged American movie star Bob Harris is in Tokyo to film a personal endorsement Suntory whiskey ad solely for the Japanese market.

Robert Frost supposedly said poetry is lost in translation and Sofia Coppola's funny, poignant film resists obvious interpretation. It goes instead for suggestion, possibility and maybe. The characters empathize with each other (that's what it's about) There is wonderful comedy in the film, involving the ad agency's photo shoot for the Suntory Scotch commercial and Bob's guest shot on the "Japanese Johnny Carson." Lost In Translation is a deeply personal portrait of love, relationships and isolation set in the backdrop of Tokyo's incredible scenery. We follow Bob Harris, played expertly by Bill Murray giving one of the best dramatic turns of his career.