Imitation Game - la critique du film. Critique du Film The Imitation Game a. Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode and others.

The Imitation Game is the one film that might have been better off longer. La réponse ici, avec notre revue de presse des critiques françaises d'Imitation Game, des plus. On sent dans Imitation Game beaucoup d'ambition, le réalisateur Morten Tyldum propose un film académique, taillé pour remporter Le Festival Européen du Film Fantastique de Strasbourg - ou FEFFS pour les intimes - fait partie de ces festivals de la.

Imitation Game

Ajouter une critique au film Imitation Game. Sacré personnage que celui d'Alan Turing ! Son domaine d'expertise, la cryptographie, est aussi complexe que l'homme lui-même. Imitation Game, The. "The Imitation Game," starring Benedict Cumberbatch, is largely based on Andrew Hodges' biography of Alan Turing, "Alan Turing: The Enigma." One of the big problems with Turing is that there isn't a lot that is known about him. A lot of the documents that trace his work back to British government have. Les Calepins du Cinoche : Imitation Game.

Trailer Imitation Game

The Imitation Game is fittingly titled, given its imitation of every film of its ilk in nearly every facet of its execution: the glossed over, sappy, uninformative, melodramatic narrative, the inoffensive score, the contrived and unbelievable screenplay, the orange-teal color grading. The film's very title refers to a game posited by Turing to deduce whether one was speaking to a man, woman or machine - a forerunner of the Voight-Kampff test from With such an alienated antihero it would be easy for The Imitation Game to fall into either arch chilliness or mechanical contrivance. This film's overall success hangs on Cumberbatch and what is, to date, his finest performance on the big screen.

As uncomplicatedly likeable and effortlessly rootable as its main character and star, The Imitation Game ultimately wins at any easy game, when it could have risked. Based on the real life story of legendary cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against time by Turing and his brilliant team of. The Imitation Game è un film "imitativo" nel senso migliore del termine perché tiene visibilmente conto della lezione di molto cinema recente, e crea un racconto che pare la quintessenza della messinscena televisiva britannica alla Masterpiece Theatre partendo però da una prospettiva "altra".