Starring: Storm Reid, Byron Mann, Alfred Molina and others. Découvrez les films de la même licence ou similaires. Faites vous une idée du film grâce à la note des membres et aux critiques des internautes.

They don't know they've been chosen - for a very specific purpose - The Hunt. Don't Let Go est un film réalisé par Jacob Aaron Estes avec David Oyelowo, Storm Reid. A travers les univers parallèles, ils se battent pour résoudre le meurtre de l'ad. Детектив, драма, триллер. Режиссер: Джейкоб Аарон Эстес. В ролях: Сторм Рейд, Байрон Манн, Альфред Молина и др. Главному герою - детективу Джеку Рэдклиффу неожиданно звонит встревоженная племянница Эшли, которая просит помощи. "Don't Let Go," with its race-against-time crunch, ignores these deeper emotional issues, and is instead pulled into a standard dirty-cop drug-bust Cinematographer Sharone Meir doesn't go the normal route in filming Los Angeles.

Don't Let Go

Los Angeles is often presented as a place of either the very wealthy or. Don't Let Go ein Film von Jacob Aaron Estes mit David Oyelowo, Storm Reid. Don't Let Go is a frustrating film. It has a solid premise and a stable of consistently reliable actors, yet fails to use its seed of an idea to sprout Don't Let Go leans on the idea as a base only, rather than exploring it. This issue ripples through the film, affecting it just as Reid's actions alter her uncle's future. Don't let go is a trick title because you absolutely should let go of this film.

Trailer Don't Let Go

Meanwhile, the film seems to have plenty of time to watch Ashley pedaling around on her bicycle (the L. A. scenery is nice and occasionally atmospheric, but when it crowds out plot, viewers might wonder. "Don't Let Go" was reportedly significantly recut since premiering at Sundance earlier this year, but the edits can't save a project that was doomed from the start. The central relationship drives the film forward, but in its focus on 'whodunit and why,' Don't Let Go fails to pack the punch it should.

Critique du film Disgrace par Lucie pour *www.actualite-dvd****. Just Let These Pictures Do The Explaining! Po dziwnym i przerwanym połączeniu Jack udaje się do domu bratanicy, gdzie odkrywa, że została zamordowana. Kilka dni później mężczyzna odbiera telefon od zmarłej dziewczyny.