Ужасы, драма, детектив. Режиссер: Ли Кронин. В ролях: Шана Керслэйк, Джеймс Куинн Марки, Кати Оутинен и др. Молодая женщина Сара переезжает с сыном Крисом в дом на окраине небольшого городка. Épouvante-horreur. Starring: Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, Kati Outinen and others. Une mère et son fils viennent d'emménager dans une nouvelle maison près des bois.

J'espère qu'il vous plaira également ! The Hole In The Gound: Ending Explained Film d'épouvante irlandais plutôt intrigant au départ et je dois dire que quelques scènes m'ont fait frissonner (et mon chéri ne dira pas le contraire car il était carrément planqué sous la couette !!!) mais très vite ça s'essouffle pour devenir Ce film dans d'autres pays.

The Hole in the Ground

The Hole In The Ground (Brasil). With Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, Kati Outinen, David Crowley. A single mother living in the Irish countryside with A single mother living in the Irish countryside with her son begins to suspect he may not be her son at all, and fears his increasingly disturbing behavior. Critic Reviews for The Hole in the Ground. It's a film in animated conversation with genre history - even a casual survey of that sinkhole might discern traces of Carrie White's corpse, The Descent's doomed spelunkers and the victims of The Vanishing. Yet it always finds new, invariably cinematic ways to nudge us towards its final leap into.

Trailer The Hole in the Ground

The movie follows a young woman named Sarah and her son, Chris, when they move to rural Ireland near a forest, where a large hole in the ground Sarah gets increasingly bloodied and muddied during the course of the film, and she's covering a nasty scar with her bangs. Wo kann man diesen Film schauen? The Hole in the Ground (DVD).

Seána Kerslake holding James Quinn Markey in "The Hole in the Ground."Credit. Mit eben diesem Genre-Standardmuster operiert auch der Gruselstreifen The Hole in the Ground und ergänzt es um das nach wie vor beliebte Motiv des plötzlich wesensveränderten Kindes, das möglicherweise von bösen Kräften geleitet wird: Gemeinsam mit ihrem achtjährigen Sohn Christopher. Irish horror thriller The Hole in the Ground manages to feel fresh and original while going through a checklist of tried-and-tested horror tropes. This is a promising first feature from Cronin, telling a simple horror story with original flair.