How to Talk to Girls at Parties (original title). Votre avis sur How To Talk To Girls At Parties ? Ce qu'il y a de génial dans How to Talk to Girls at Parties, c'est la fragilité de ses protagonistes et des valeurs qu'ils portent, l'enrichissement que deux cultures subitement confrontées provoquent : les uns errent sans.

Faites vous une idée du film grâce à la note des membres et aux critiques des internautes. When "Parties" captures some of that "Hedwig" energy in a story of literally star-crossed lovers, it also really works. It becomes an alternately talky and crazy movie that.

How to Talk to Girls at Parties

Affiche du film How to Talk to Girls at Parties - Cinéma du Parc. Son film chaotique manque de cohésion narrative (.). Critic Reviews for How to Talk to Girls at Parties. In my opinion, How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a recent release that fits that description. While I definitely enjoyed myself when watching this film, it almost felt like the filmmakers had much more to say than what was literally presented on-screen. Your score has been saved for How to Talk to Girls at Parties.

Trailer How to Talk to Girls at Parties

Would you like to write a review? Oof, this one right here, officer. The concept is cool, and the acting is decent, but the execution of the story just misses the mark by about.

Modifier. (Redirigé depuis How to Talk to Girls at Parties (film)). There's something endearingly childlike about "How to Talk to Girls at Parties" that goes a long way toward compensating for its inarguable daftness. Inside they discover what looks like a Cirque du Soleil warm-up session — or one of those old "Sprockets" skits from "Saturday Night Live" — but is. Consensus des critiques: How to Talk to Girls at Parties has energy and ambition, but is ultimately too unfocused to do much with either -- or Les sous-titres codés sont les sous-titres correspondant à la langue disponible, avec l'ajout de renseignements pertinents ne constituant pas du dialogue.