Se présentant comme étant un énième film d'action, tout ce qu'il y a de plus banal, "Man on Fire" se révèle être un bien meilleur film que cela. This is one film which i was really excited about and believe me it did not disappoint. Denzel Washington is on great form as usual. his portrayal of Creasy a very distraught man is maybe not enough to be considered for an Oscar, but it is still up there Q: Is "Man on Fire" based on a book?

Creasy, ancien soldat d'élite reconverti en garde du corps, reprend goût à la vie au contact de la petite fille qu'il protège. Mais cette grande qualité formelle ne serait rien sans un sens du récit correct. Man on Fire fait merveille grâce à un excellent casting et à une construction.

Man on Fire

Si l'on mesurait la valeur politique d'une œuvre à l'aune de l'engagement artistique de son auteur, on comprendrait vite que le dernier film de Tony Scott ne représente rien. Man on Fire movie reviews & Metacritic score: Denzel Washington stars as a government operative/soldier of fortune who has pretty much given up on life. It uses every cinematic gimmick known to man which only serves to make the film even worse. This film provides examples of Po-faced, dull and sadistic, Man On Fire is a major disappointment from the Crimson Tide team of Denzel Washington and Tony Scott. Man on fire, dans sa première heure, fait la part belle aux instants simples de bonheur papier glacé Noyée sous des effets insupportables, plus proches du clip que du cinéma, la fin de Man on fire Absolument pas d'accord avec votre critique cinglante de ce film ! Tony Scott's "Man on Fire" employs superb craftsmanship and a powerful Denzel Washington performance in an attempt to elevate genre material above its natural level, but it fails.

Trailer Man on Fire

The underlying story isn't worth the effort. At first we're seduced by the jagged photography and editing, which. Naturally, the little blonde mite redeems lonely Denzel with her artless charm, and when she is abducted by a coalition of barrio gangstas and corrupt cops, the great man hunts down everyone involved with one thing on his addled mind: to find out who.

He had wanted to make Man on Fire around the time he made Revenge but it didn't work out. Makes me wonder if Man on Fire is something deeply personal to him. Tony Scott is an auteur and doesn't make films like everyone else. I personally love his style and even love his crazier use of it in DOMINO.