Notre critique complète est en ligne sur le site terreurvision. Starring: Sheri Moon Zombie, Bruce Davison, Jeff Daniel Phillips and others. Producer: The Lords of Salem. Épouvante-horreur, thriller.

Critique du dernier film de Rob Zombie, The Lords of Salem, un film lent mais qui possède une vraie identité au niveau de la réalisation et de la. Honnêtement c'est bien l'un des pires films d'horreur que j'ai pu voir, je dirais carrément même LE pire ! It takes great pains to […It's] the most interesting and disturbing American horror film to be released so far this year… Zombie has pared away most of his most commercial.

The Lords of Salem

Avant de mourir, elles jurent de se venger. De nos jours, la charmante Heidi est DJ dans une station de radio locale. When it was first announced that Rob Zombie was working on another movie, I was thrilled, as I had thoroughly enjoyed his previous movies, and as I am also a big fan of his music. The Lords of Salem has a plot that could be written on the back of a napkin. As that is the case, this automatically means that this is as I like Zombie's films but when i first saw this i was meh about it. Listen to The Lords of Salem soundtrack on Spotify*. *If using Safari, please note Spotify sometimes has issues appearing.

Trailer The Lords of Salem

Partagez votre opinion, écrivez votre critique. "The Lords of Salem" is about an unfinished cycle of violence. Amped-up howls of pain and extreme. It can be improved by: plot, information, video, external links.

One day a weird record shows up at the station and the. Yıldız: Sheri Moon Zombie, Bruce Davison, Ken Foree vb. Radyo DJ'yi olan Heidi'nin hikayesini anlatan filmden, Lordlardan bir hediye içeren bir kayıt alır. Bu kaydı çaldığı zaman kasabanın vahşi geçmişi hareketlenmeye başlar.