Комедия, фантастика. Режиссер: Бутс Райли. В ролях: Лакит Стэнфилд, Тесса Томпсон, Жермен Фаулер и др. Темнокожий житель Окленда Кассиус Грин живёт в гараже у родного дяди, которого со дня на день могут лишить жилья за долги, поэтому парень устраивается туда. Le podcast cinéma de Cinémaradio donne son avis sur le film Sorry To Bother You. Un film réalisé par Boots Riley avec Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa " Bobo Léon.

Set over one summer, the film follows precocious six-year-old Moonee as she courts mischief and adventure with her ragtag playmates and bonds with her rebellious but caring mother, all while living in the shadows of Walt Disney World. Le film critique les dérives du capitalisme, sa course au profit au détriment des êtres humains et donc ce thème est très intéressant. Starring: Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa Thompson, Danny Glover and others.

Sorry to Bother You

It stars Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa Thompson, Jermaine Fowler, Omari Hardwick. La dernière partie du film va même un peu plus loin en anticipant l'humain « augmenté », dans un but, toujours, de rentabilité maximale, mais toujours sur ce ton particulier qui oscille Sorry to bother you. Une histoire qui lui tenait donc à cœur, et pour laquelle il s'est battu, aux États-Unis comme ailleurs. Une rencontre qui finira de manière absolument improbable. Sorry to bother you est en effet une œuvre-somme, importante, un film « melting pot », convoquant dans l'esprit du spectateur une série de grands noms du cinéma Sorry to bother you arrive donc en France en vidéo sous les couleurs d'Universal Pictures, mais uniquement au format DVD. Sorry to Bother You, set in an alternative version of that Californian city, is one of the most anti-capitalist movies Hollywood has ever produced.

Trailer Sorry to Bother You

We're used to seeing the rich portrayed as evil, but here we see people sell their souls to ascend the corporate ladder. The film shows how easily people. Sorry to Bother You welcomes audiences to deconstruct its own inner-workings not just to better understand its rhetoric, but also the backhanded logic Rather, "Sorry to Bother You" is as if a Paul Thomas Anderson film were flushed through a Spike Lee filter and then stitched together by someone.

Sorry to Bother You goes on a bit longer than it probably should, and a few running jokes overstay their welcome. A sneaky experience that demands multiple viewings, Sorry To Bother You is a scathing comedy that leaves everything on the field, even if it only needed to leave a. Sorry To Bother You completes itself by its use of sounds and voice. People should really be like - what is going on? and awfully suspicious from the sound alone which I think is really important to better understanding Sorry To Bother You is a good film which I'll remember like Dazed and Confused.