Cette troisième mouture regorge de poncifs sur notre corporation! Theatrical cut, and an unrated extended edition. While Blade potters through the film not saying or doing much that I can remember, apparently this is whats called "brooding", King manages to keep all eyes on him.

Blade : Trinity va en effet, pendant l'heure restante, nous offrir tout ce qu'il y a de plus cheap et de plus mauvais goût à compiler dans le genre. Pour le FBI, Blade devient l'ennemi à capturer. Nos critiques sur le film, bandes annonces affiches et photos du film Blade, le héros mi-vampire mi-humain, va devoir empêcher les vampires de prendre le contrôle de la Terre. ► Critiquez ce film.

Blade : Trinity

Blade: Trinity is the third and final film in the Blade Trilogy. To defeat Blade and finally make their kind invulnerable, the … Blade: Trinity will be remembered for one thing only: How David S. Everything from the supporting cast, the sub-par action set-pieces to the piss-poor MTV-like slo-mo styling - this film is a mess. Goyer taking over his franchise from writer to director, is the killing stroke. TRINITY is not a good movie, instead it is a solid "Blade" movie -- meaning, if you are not already a fan, don't bother. Snipes no longer plays Blade for humor, as he did in the first Blade.

Trailer Blade : Trinity

Indeed, the role has lost character, humor, and emotions over the length of the trilogy. Louder, campier, and more incoherent than its predecessors, Blade: Trinity seems content to emphasize style over substance and rehash familiar themes. Film de David S GOYERWesley SNIPES.

Film de David S GOYERJessica BIEL et Ryan REYNOLDS. Blade: Trinity - Un film di David S. Blade: Trinity è disponibile a Noleggio e in Digital Download su TROVA STREAMING e Blu-Ray su IBS.it. Blade: Trinity is one of the most unforgettable movies in cinema history - not because it's so good, but because it's a train wreck from beginning to end.